It's spring-cleaning time! But before you turn your eyes to the attic, you might want to consider your nonprofit organization. Spring is when everything starts kicking into gear, and it's a good time to reassess your strategies and think up a new plan.
Trim Up Your Budget
Don't just copy that budget year over year, quarter over quarter, and month over month. Take the time to assess each line item and whether they're relevant. Right now, your budget should be changing a lot; a lot of massive changes mean that nonprofits are shifting to a more digitally-focused realm. If your budget hasn't changed, you need to justify why.
Assess Your Operational Plans
Are your plans still relevant? Things can be fast-paced in the nonprofit world, regardless of the cause that you serve. Make sure that your audience is still there, that your operational plans are correct, and that your strategies are relevant and in-touch.
Improve Communications and Messaging
If there have been any issues with communication, processes, and messaging, the time to address it is now. Spring cleaning your nonprofit organization by improving communications and messaging, whether that's through investing in new technology platforms or investing in additional training.
Organize Donor Data
Donors are, of course, the heart and soul of many nonprofits. Organize your donor data, collect leads on future donors, and reach out to existing donors to make sure that you have the correct information. When possible, you should be refining your donor lists and determining which donors are most likely to engage.
Implement New Technologies
Often, new technologies get pushed to the side because there isn't time to implement them. But during "spring-cleaning" you might want to consider implementing at least some of the technology ideas, such as collaboration systems, outreach platforms, and more. Better tools mean better work.
And Don't Forget the Clutter
The actual clutter is something that you should think about too. If there's equipment, recyclables, and other items that need to be disposed of, take the time to get rid of it. Sell off items that you don't need any longer or find new uses for old furniture and equipment. Cleaning up the clutter gives you more room and can also help you build up liquid cash.
Once you've cleaned up and trimmed up your nonprofit organization, you'll be able to function better than ever before. A nonprofit can be hectic at times, but taking a break to reassess is always beneficial.